How do you grow an amazing garden that's the envy of all your neighbors? By being an amazing gardener, of course. If your horticulture skills could use a little improvement, or even if you're a great gardener who's always looking for new ideas, tips and tricks to improve your gardening skills, here are some smart tips for you.
Buying a container-grown shrub. Slide the shrub out of its container to check for a well-developed root system. The roots should have healthy, white tips, and not look dry at all. Don't buy a plant if it has poorly developed roots, or if the roots are congested and coiled around the base of the pot. These kinds of roots rarely establish themselves once they are planted in the ground.
When designing your garden, choose high-yield crops, such as tomatoes and herbs. These items will allow you to maximize the space you have available in your garden. The more produce you can grow at home, the more money you can save in your grocery bill each month, so it pays to know what will produce the most for your efforts.
Use foliar feeding to help shocked or struggling plants recover. Plants can consume nutrients through their leaves quicker than through their roots. If they are having trouble getting nutrients through their roots, spray their leaves with liquid food. Be careful not to overfeed them this way. They may need to feed only twice a month.
If you are looking to secure your garden from pests, you need to have some ladybugs around. The ladybugs will protect your garden from harmful pests and will not do any damage to any of your plants; it is a completely beneficial relationship for both you and the ladybug.
When deciding to take up horticulture, it is important to study and know your geographical area. Some vegetation simply can't survive a northern winter. Contrarily, some plants can't survive a Texas summer. As such, it is important to know where you are and what the plants that you intend on growing can handle.
In a dark area, pre-soak your seeds overnight. Place some seeds in your smaller pots and add water almost to the brim. This way, your seeds are well-hydrated and can start growing with a head start. This way, the seeds you have planted will have some chance of growing.
To help your plants grow faster, pre-heat the soil in your garden before you begin planting. Most plants love warm soil, and this will allow them to grow quickly. One of the easiest ways to pre-heat your soil is to cover it with black plastic, such as garbage bags or a tarp.
Plan your garden for best results. Before you put one spade into the dirt, you need to decide what you will plant, and where. You want to plot your garden's size, and then decide what plants use according to their individual needs. Consider lighting, drainage, and spacing for each plant.
Put a fence around your garden. It keeps out dogs, kids and a wide variety of other creatures that might try to invade your space. If there are gophers where you live, you can also try using raised beds in your garden with screened in bottoms. The extra effort is worth the frustration it will save you.
If you have plants that love acid in your organic garden, especially tomato plants, then coffee grounds make great mulch. It's simple to scatter the coffee grounds around your plants and then sit back and let the high levels of nitrogen help your acid-loving plants grow to great heights all summer long.
Plant with autumn colors in mind. This might not be the reason why. In terms of colorful foliage, fall is the time of year admired by many. Maple trees can range from beautiful reds and yellows in addition to Beech or Dogwood trees. When choosing shrubs, think about cotoneaster, hydrangea or barberry.
When you buy seeds for your garden, be sure to purchase seeds that are labeled "certified organic." This ensures that your plants will be organic throughout their lifespan and that the seeds you are buying aren't contaminated with chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Watch out for labels, such as "genetically engineered" or any mention of "natural" that does not include the phrase "certified organic."
If you plan on starting an organic garden, you should always properly cover your seeds. If your seeds are not properly covered, then they will not grow. You should aim to cover most of your seeds about three times as deep as the thickness of your seeds in order to ensure optimum growth. However, certain seeds, such as alyssum and snapdragons, should not be covered because they need a lot of light to germinate.
If you are serious about organic horticulture, you must start with organic seed. Organic seed comes from fruits and vegetables that have not been treated by any chemicals, nor can they be from fruits or vegetables that have been genetically modified in any way. Organic seed can be more expensive than non-organic, however, it is an investment you will only need to make once for most standard garden plants, since you harvest your own produce and then save the seeds for your next planting.
Mix your soil with a high quality, organic compost. With compost, your soil becomes a better quality, gaining structure, texture, and even aeration. You will also find that the water capacity increases, which is going to produce stronger plants with bigger and healthier blooms, and much healthier root systems.
If you want to have great organic produce but are unable to grow it yourself, then you should be sure to check out your local farmer's market. These places always have a different rotation of produce but typically have great prices for some of the best products that you can find in the area.
If you are running your own organic garden, a great tip is to use pieces of concrete blocks as stepping stones in your garden. These will assist you in getting to those places that are hard to reach without having to use a ladder or purchase expensive stepping stones.
Do you now see why organic gardening is such a wonderful thing? Discovering that you can grow healthy plants and add them to your healthy diet, is indeed a thing of wonder and also, one of great skill. The tips in this article should have given you some great tips to begin building a good foundation and successfully grow your own organic garden.