Growing an organic garden can be an important addition to your life. You need to do all of your research, so that you don't waste money on tools that you don't know how to use or even cause your plants to die. There are some tips listed below to help you begin.
A great gardening tip is to do all your gardening work minus the watering early in the morning. Sometimes working in the garden can take several hours and it behooves one to not do this at the hottest time of the day. This will help prevent heat related illness like heat stroke.
Start your plant in pots before you plant them in your garden. This can give your seedlings the advantage they need to survive and reach adulthood. This is also a good way to tighten up your planting schedule. Once you've removed the previous group of plants, your seedlings can go into the ground.
Slide your fingernails against a bar of soap to prevent dirt from getting under your nails. The dirt doesn't necessarily hurt you, but you will save time and effort when cleaning your hands later. Instead of having to dig underneath your nails, you can just use a nailbrush to quickly remove the soap residue.
Use fertilizers that are free for the taking. Using chemical free grass clippings or human urine for a nutrient rich and free fertilizer. Twenty parts water with one part urine is an excellent fertilizer for seedlings, or steep the grass clippings in water to make a tea for watering and fertilizing the plants. So don't spend a lot on the garden when the fertilizers can be had for free.
When horticulture, be watchful of stink bugs, particularly in the fall. They like fruits, as well as peppers, beans and tomatoes. If left unattended, your garden could be ravaged by these bugs, so you need to proactively keep their population under control.
Make sure you protect any tender deciduous shrubs. Shrubs in pots especially need special care in the colder weather. Tie together the tops. Once the canes are snugly together, put a sheet over the wigwam. This method is preferred to wrapping a plant in plastic, since it promotes circulation and prevents rotting.
An organic alternative to chemical fertilizer is compost. You can make your own compost by using fruits, vegetables and other organic wastes from your home. Compost gives your soil the nutrients it needs and improves its structure.
Make sure you read the labels on any weedkillers or pesticides that you use in your garden. Follow the directions closely. Using too much of a chemical can be dangerous to your health and the health of your garden. Failing to read the label might also mean that you get the wrong chemical for the problem that you're having, polluting the ground around your garden for no reason.
Even if you think you will remember which plants are which later, tag your plants properly from the beginning. Plants can look very different after just a few weeks. Write plant names on flat rocks with a permanent marker in a decorative way, and lay them next to each plant so that you can save yourself from confusion down the road.
You must water your plants correctly, to achieve success with your garden. When watering your garden, always try to do it early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has gone down. This gives the soil a chance to actually soak up the water without it evaporating. Also, if you have pots, try to hand water them with a can, rather than using a hose. This way you can make sure that each pot gets enough water, since potted plants can dry out completely in a matter of hours, if they haven't had a deep watering.
When watering plants use recycled water, but avoid re-using water from sources such as baths, washing machines, or dishwashing. These water sources may contain harmful chemicals that can be absorbed into your vegetables such as nitrates and phosphates. This water may even contain pathogens that could harm you or your plants.
When you plan your organic garden, remember that some plants, especially leafy greens like lettuce and spinach will mature well before the end of the growing season. Beds for fast growing plants can often produce two harvests in one season. Have more quick-growing plants ready to replace the early harvest so that you can maximize your garden's productivity.
Learn to water your garden efficiently. A soaker hose can be laid in the garden and left on with low water pressure. This frees you up from having to hand-water the plants, so you can do other gardening work. Take care with seedlings, though -- they are still delicate and need to be watered by hand.
When starting an organic garden look into natural pesticides. It is a healthy way to be sure you do not lose a great deal of your crop to insects while working to keep your environment safe. There are many pesticides that were once used and are really effective.
If you are new to organic horticulture, start with disease resistant plants. Some plants are just hardier than others and because of this they will require less maintenance. A plant that survives well on its own will encourage you in continuing your organic gardening practices. Ask at your local garden store, as different varieties are hardy in different areas of the country.
For indoor organic horticulture, temperature control is very important during the early phases. Seventy degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for most seeds to start growing. You can achieve this temperature relatively easily by installing heaters and placing the seeds near the vents. You can also purchase heat mats to place under your plant containers.
Horticulture, as you know from the introduction, is the best way to put your house in touch with the beauty and tranquility of nature. Try these tips for making your own garden and watch as your yard becomes a natural wonderland of tranquility and beauty. Start your garden today!